Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Fall of Rome

Once Rome was a large powerful empire, but the Western Roman Empire  eventually fell. In 401 ad Rome was invaded by the barbarian tribe Visigoths. For many years the Romans battled with the barbarians. They bargained with them and gave them land and jobs. This worked for awhile, but then the barbarians overran and looted Britain, Gaul, Spain, and Northern Africa.Then the Germanic chiefs forced out the Emperors. 476 ad is the year that the Roman Empire Fell
Many factors contributed to the fall of Rome. One was the Geography. Rome was far away from many places, which made sending troops our very difficult. Also, there was a major economic decline, which caused prices to rise and many people could not afford to buy things. Another factor was the growth of government. The Empire was divided in two and had officials all over the Roman Empire and people had lots of trouble making decisions. There was also a large decline in work force, the slave population significantly decreased, sot there were not as many people to do all the work. The decline in work force also contributed to the lack of Technology. Without people working, they could not invent and produce new things. Also, there was a lot of military defeat. Without the army winning battles, the empire was loosing all their territory. Another factor in the downfall of Rome was religion. Many pagans blamed the decline in the Roman Empire on Christianity and said that they had angered the gods. The internal as well as external conflict inside of Rome all lead to the downfall of the Western Roman Empire.
I think the downfall of Rome was inevitable. After the Empire was divided into Eastern and Western Roman Empire, Rome had become weaker and more vulnerable to attack. Also, for centuries Romans had been fighting over their religions and caused a lot of internal distress in Rome. In addition, for many years Rome did not have good emperors and they ruled terribly. Romes location was also a part of the fall. It took a long time to send troops all around the empire to protect from invasion. In conclusion, the fall of Rome was bound to happen because of the fights over religion, lack of leadership, and bad location for a capitol.

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