Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Roman Government When they had Emperors

The Roman people wanted a Republic rather than an king or dictator. It was not necessarily the roman people who objected to  their rule, it was the senators and other people who made decisions in the government. For example, the Senators assassinated Ceaser because he had most of the power and the Senate had only a little. Also, they preferred to elect their leaders because they didn't want unfit people to rule their empire. When a king rules, then his descendants rule after he dies, and they might not be fair or wise kings. Also, the amount of power a king or dictator has often goes to their head, causing them to think that they are a god or should rule the entire world. Augustus came to power after the death of his father Ceaser after fighting in a bloody civil war. Once he was the ruler he made careful steps to make sure the people of Rome were happy. First of all, he assured the Senators that he respected them and told them that they still have power. Secondly, he did not refer to himself as king or dictator, he called himself First Citizen because he considered himself to be one of the citizens. Thirdly, he choose his own successor rather than it always being his descendant. Finally, Augustus conquered lots of land and they all had governors who supervised their land and could hold positions in the Senate, therefore allowing other colonies to have a say in government. While Augustus was a fair and good ruler, some of the other emperors were not good. For example, Nero was a cruel and harsh ruler. In conclusion, Augustus was different from other kings and dictators because he gave power to other people and didn't have absolute control.

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