Monday, December 13, 2010

Unit 2 reflection: Rome and Christianity

1. Describe how you prepared/studied for the unit test.
a. Do you think your studying strategies were effective-why or why not?
b. How will you prepare next time?
To study I organized the information about the big ideas and created webs. Then I studied the webs to make sure I knew the most important information. Next, I flipped through my notebook and studied some of the details, like the people, vocabulary, and geography. Also, I reread some of my blog posts and the summaries and questions I had written for the chapters. I think this method is very effective. I knew all of the information and was able to connect the ideas and events in a way that made sense. I will definitely create the webs again next time because they were very helpful. One way I would improve my studying would be to look at the notes more and study the people and dates better.
2.What was the most surprising thing you learned about during this unit?
I found that learning about the crazy emperors was the most surprising. It was shocking to learn about how Nero supposedly burned down Rome for his new palace and killed anyone who the considered a threat and how Caligula put his horse in the senate.
3.) If we had more time to spend on Rome and Christianity- what would you want to learn more about?
I would have like to learn more about the gladiators and other entertainment in ancient Rome. Also, I would like to know more about how the empire split, what the people thought of it, and how they adjusted to the separate empires. Another subject I would like to learn more about in ancient Rome because I found it very interesting to learn about the Etruscan and Greek Influences.

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