Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Roman Genius

The ancient Romans have affected the world in many ways. One example is their architecture. The Romans used arches and columns to create spectacular buildings that have left a lasting impression on modern architecture. Also, they had a very strong military which changed the worlds idea of an army. Before the Romans armies were small and didn't have specially trained soldiers (with the exception of Sparta). Then Rome built up a large army with thousands of career troops that were highly trained and skilled and split them up into legions to conquer land. This concept of soldiers who were trained in archery or spear throwing caused other countries to copy them, and that concept has formed modern militarys. Another important influence the Romans had on the world was their advanced, complex engineering. They developed new tools to help them build roads that provided easy transportation all around the empire and are still in use today. Also, the Romans invented the aquaduct, a large bridge like structure that transports water. This invention has helped people get water for centuries and they have been built all over the world. Also, the Roman art and literature has influenced the world. In conclusion, the Romans were a very advanced culture and had many lasting effects on the world.

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