Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Traveling in a Caravan

Several hundred years ago in what is now Saudi Arabia traders would travel in large groups called caravans. They would use Camels as transportation for traveling across the vast desserts. I imagine it was a very difficult journey. To spend all day in a scorching hot desert on top of an uncomfortable camel as you slowly but surly inched closer to the next city. You would have to conserve a lot of water, making sure to carry lots with you at all times. In addition, finding food would be difficult if your food supply ran out. Traveling for hours a day would be horribly boring, doing nothing but sit atop a camel and stare off into the seemingly unending desert before you. Then., after days or even weeks of traveling across the barren desert you come across an oasis that promises relief in the form of fresh water and vegetation. After a brief stay at the oasis you would once again voyage into the hot, dry dessert. Again, you would travel atop the camels as they carries both you, your companions, and your supplies/ goods for trading. At night you would set up camp and sleep beneath the stars. What a relief it would be that the sun had gone down and with it the temperature of the desert. Finally, you reach a city. You and your companions from the caravan go sell your goods in the magnificent bazaars and trade for other products you can sell. After you replenish your equipment and food, you once again set out to cross the vast dessert to go to another town for more trade. The journey for a caravan would never be easy, but with determination and knowledge it can be worth the trip. Traders made a lot of money in caravans because they brought goods that were in high demand and also helped businesses by buying products from them or selling them something. In conclusion, caravans would spend many days and weeks traveling in the desert before they finally made it to a city and were able to sell their products.

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