Monday, February 21, 2011

Unit 3 Reflection: Byzantine Empire

To some, learning about the Byzantine Empire is a waste of time. They do not understand the importance that it plays in out lives. While some find it a waste of time, we learn a lot of valuable lessons that help us understand the world better. This is especially important for us because we live in an area was very use to be a part of the Byzantine Empire. By learning about this empire we are able to understand some of the culture and art we see today. For example, by studying mosaics we can better understand a lot of the art and understand the stories that they are telling us. The information from the mosaics can be used to better understand past events. When you know what the art is representing or saying, it makes the picture even more fantastic and spectacular. Another reason it is important for us to study the Byzantine Empire is because, since we live in Serbia, it is important to know its history. By knowing more about the history of this country we are able to understand the culture and its roots. When we know more about historic civilizations we can understand the culture, like why certain holidays are separated or why we speak certain languages. Also, studying the Byzantine Empire teaches us a lot about religion and its history and the significance it has played throughout the centuries. Religion is as important in life today as it was thousands of years ago and it is important to know the similarities and differences between different religions. In addition, studying the empire helps us learn more about how religion has changed and grown throughout the centuries. Another very important reason to study the Byzantine Empire is because of its government's success and ideas. The Justinian code was written by scholars and is still used today, helping shape our modern judicial systems. This is without a doubt one of the most important contributions from the Byzantines and by studying it we can further our knowledge of government and laws. The Byzantine Empire also helped develop many different writing that is still used today. For example, Cyrillic was developed by a monk and now a very common form of writing in many parts of the world. In conclusion, while the Byzantine Empire may be long gone, it has effected the world in many ways so it is very important to study and learn about it. 

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