Sunday, April 17, 2011

Trade in the Muslim Empire

The Islamic Empire was very rich and powerful because of trade with the Silk Road and the wealth of the cities due to trade; eventually leading to many new ideas and wealth. The Silk Road was a 5000 mile long trade route that extended from the borders of the Roman Empire to China. Many nomadic traders transported good around the trade route which contributed greatly to the gain of wealth in the Islamic Empire. With all of the trade, many Muslim cities became very wealthy and prosperous. Some cities, like Neyshabur and Rayy which are in modern day Iran became very wealthy because of their location on the trade routes. During this time, the Islamic Empire not only traded material good, they also traded ideas. Muslim scholars were famous for their advanced understandings of math, science, economics, and the arts.  In addition, the territories of the empire accumulated great wealth; consequently the progression in academics and finances allowed the empire to enter its golden age. The Islamic Empire's new ideas and teachings would come to greatly influence the renaissance. Overall, the effects of trade caused the Islamic Empire to grow very wealthy and consequently enter its golden age. 
The Canon on Medicine, one of the greatest  
contributions of Islamic Scientists


  1. I really liked how you summarized all your facts and knowledge into one short paragraph. I really enjoyed your presentation and i think that you done a really good job in explaining how trade impacted the Muslim Empire!You had good details and i really learned a lot.

  2. I enjoyed your presentation and the way that you presented the information, talking about trading goods and trading ideas. I also liked the short quiz that you gave us and how you explained what effects trade had on the empire.

    Good job,
