The Ichthys symbol is an important symbol in the Christian religion. The name Ichthys is an acronym for the Greek words Iesous, Christosi, Theos, Yios, and Soter, which translate to Jesus Christ of God Son Savior. This symbol was first used as a Christian symbol within the first thee centuries. In the Bible, there are many references to fish, the most famous being when Christ turned two fish and five loaves of bread into enough to feed 5000 people. Also, the Ichthys was used as a secret symbol persecuted Christians used to identify themselves and mark where others are buried. Early Christians met in secret and in order to identify one and other one person would draw a curved line in the sand, another person would complete it and a third person would draw the eye. Another reason the Ichthys is a common Christian symbol is because Jesus refers to his disciples as "fishers of men." According to some astrologists say that Jesus Christ represents Zodiac sign, Pisces. The Ichthys is still a popular symbol used to represent Christianity today, and is used by many people in clothing, signs, and emblems to show their religion. In conclusion, the Ichthys has been around for centuries to identify Christians and show their beliefs.
- Fairchild, Mary. "Christian Fish - Image of the Christian Fish or Ichthys." Christianity - About Christianity and Living the Christian Life. Web. 26 Jan. 2011. <http://christianity.about.com/od/symbolspictures/ig/Christian-Symbols-Glossary/Christian-Fish.htm>.
- "History of the Christian Fish Symbol." Canadian Business and Service Directory - Eureka4you.com. Web. 26 Jan. 2011. <http://www.eureka4you.com/fish/fishsymbol.htm>
- "Ichthys - Christianity Knowledge Base." Main Page - Christianity Knowledge Base. Web. 26 Jan. 2011. <http://christianity.wikia.com/wiki/Ichthys>.
- Ichthys - New World Encyclopedia." Info:Main Page - New World Encyclopedia. Web. 26 Jan. 2011. <http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ichthys>.
Amen. I like and use the Christian Fish Symbol more than I use the Cross Symbol. The Cross Symbol has become too secularized and lost some of its original meaning, which is the death and Resurrection of Christ. Also, the Christian Fish Symbol is not widely known, so when I where it people ask me questions about it.