Sunday, May 15, 2011

Renaissance Faire Reflection

For the 8th grade class work exhibition we created a Renaissance Faire. In each of our subjects we studied the Renaissance and created projects about that time period to put on display. In design technology we worked for many weeks on studying Leonardo Da Vinici's inventions and we each recreated one of his many famous inventions. For this project I worked with Rea Saxena on replicating Da Vinci's Lantern Gear. We recreated a scale version of it using wood from the DT room. If you are interested in learning more about the process we used to make it and history of the lantern gear there is some more information up about it on my design portfolio. Then, for my French class we worked on time lines of the French Renaissance, which lasted from the mid 1300s to the early 1500s. To see my time line about the language, literature, painting, and sculptures of the French Renaissance click here. In Visual Arts class we studied the art of Renaissance artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Then, we each designed an art gallery to display some of their works. For the gallery we used perspective to show that they were in a hallway and used a technique called one point perspective to make it look as though you were actually standing in the gallery. Also, we made sculptures to learn about Michelangelo's new sculpting techniques. However, unlike the famous sculptor, we did not carve the statues, we made a wire body and then covered it with newspaper and then with plaster.  In addition, we also colored in some drawings of famous paintings to learn about how the artists mixed color and added shading to make their pictures look even better. In Preforming arts class we learned three songs on the recorder and three dances as well. The songs all dated back to the Renaissance and the dances were reminiscent of those people would dance in court and for exercise. We spent about a month and a half learning all the notes for the recorder and learning all of our parts. Then, both 8th grade classes started practicing the dances together. In Language A class we started studying the works of William Shakespeare, focusing on his A Midsummer Night's Dream. We read aloud the entire play in class and analyzed the plot. Then we each received a scene and had to memorize our lines and act them out at the faire. This was my favorite part of the faire because I really enjoyed reading some of Shakespeare's work and thought it was really interesting. I think the Renaissance Faire was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about the inventions, art, literature, history and music of Medieval Europe. On the night of the performance we preformed all our dances, songs, and skits very well and the displays from our classes looked great! It was a lot of fun to display all our projects for our parents and I really enjoyed the performance.  In conclusion the 8th grade Renaissance faire took a lot of preperation and I think it turned out very well and all our hard work paid off.

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