Thursday, October 28, 2010

Greek Myth

Allia and Artemis
By Annie Meyer 8A
A long time ago when the skies were as blue as the sea and the forests covered entire continents a young Artemis took a new hunting companion to teach the ways of the woods. The young hunter was a nymph named Allia who had been traveling with Artemis for several years before the goddess and seen her potential for an expert hunter. Allia was of average height and had  long black hair that was always tied up into a neat braid and electrifying green eyes. Right before they left for their first hunt another nymph pulled Allia aside and said “Beware the wrath of Artemis, always let her win competitions, never beat her in anything even if it means losing your own life, for I assure you Artemis’s jealousy will be a fate worse than death, it would not be the first time she took out her anger on someone who made her look like a fool”. Before Allia could say anything the other nymph vanished. She then set out to begin her first hunt.
                Soon Allia and Artemis were running through the forest quickly and quietly , weaving in between tall trees, careful not to make a sound.  Then Artemis stopped and pointed to a heard of about six deer eating grass in the clearing. “Watch what I do then try it yourself,” whispered Artemis as she drew an arrow from her pack and loaded it in her bow. Aiming it carefully she released the arrow and it went speeding toward a deer, and without a sound the deer fell over, dead. Now it was Allia’s turn. Nervously she drew aimed her bow at a deer and released, the shot was almost as good as the goddesses. It missed the deer by an inch and hit a tree, causing a loud crack as the arrow lodged itself into the old pine tree. Startled the remaining deer ran away, knowing that there was a hunter nearby. “Good shot,” said Artemis sarcastically. “Sorry” Allia mumbled, clearly ashamed “that was the first time I have ever used a bow.”
“Really? Well don’t worry I’ll teach you how to use it.” Artemis then rose to go inspect her prey.
                The pair hiked for the rest of the day until decided to set up camp. After a dinner of roasted deer Allia and Artemis laid down to go to sleep. Starring up at the bright constellations she pondered what the old nymph said to her. Why should she always loose to the goddess? Would she really kill her or worse if she was better? The old nymph was probably just jealous that she was chosen to hunt with Artemis, after all it was impossible to be better than a god or goddess. Then she slipped off into a peaceful sleep. Artemis on the other hand could not sleep. She was worried, Allia had talent, she could not deny that but did she have to much talent? She came so close to shooting that deer, closer than Artemis came the first time she shot a bow. Could this mortal possibly be better than her? Of course she could never amount to the goddess Artemis herself, right? After tossing and turning for many hours Artemis fell into a restless sleep.
                Artemis kept her word, she taught Allia how to shoot her bow. After many weeks of training Allia had mastered the art of archery.  She could make a perfect shot from over one hundred feet away, and she could take down an entire herd of deer without startling them in seconds. Artemis was becoming jealous, already Allia could hunt just as well as she could. The goddess then arranged a tournament to take place, where hunters from across the land had come to compete. Then she and Allia entered it, now they would see who really was the best.
                The morning of the competition Allia was visited once again by the old nymph who warned her of the jealous wrath of Artemis. “Don’t compete, you will surely anger the goddess!” The old nymph pleaded “ I’m begging you please don attempt to beat the goddess.”
“Never! I will compete. You cannot change my mind.  Now go I must prepare for the games!” Allia said as she quickly walked way. “ You will regret this and always wish you had not been so foolish and arrogant!” The old nymph cried.
                Throughout the games Artemis and Allia crushed the competition. They always made the perfect shot, never losing a single round. After days of competition and thousands of competitors had been eliminated it was down to Artemis and Allia in the finals. The both drew their bows and shot flawlessly. Every shot was perfect, always in the center of the target, landing exactly where the other arrow landed causing them to split down the middle. This went on for days, they always tied. The final day was windy making it almost impossible to shoot the targets. They both managed several faultless shots. Then Artemis, missed the arrow, just by an inch leaving Allia the victor.  Allia was amazed the crowd went wild with cheers, all except one, the old nymph that told her not to compete stood with her arms her head buried in her hands. As the crowd cheered for their new champion Artemis bubbled with rage and hatred for this girl that had beaten her. She swore she would have her revenge.
                That night Artemis snuck into Allia’s tent and imprisoned her inside an oak tree. No matter how hard Allia struggled she couldn’t escape her prison. Artemis did however show some mercy. On the nights when the moon was a crescent, like a bow in the sky Allia could hunt once more. From the sunset to sunrise she could be free, but once the warm rays of the sun touched her she fell asleep and woke up back in her prison. That is why the moon always changes phases, to release Allia from her everlasting prison.

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